How many Floors can be Built or Constructed on a 30×40 Site in Bangalore? G+1,G+2,G+3 or G+4 Floors?


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I just registered a 30×40 Site and wanted to know How many floors I can build or construct in Bangalore? is it G+1 G+2 G+3 G+4 Floors? What is the FAR for a 30×40 Site? What is the maximum no of floors that can be built or constructed on a 30×40 site? I see many G+4 buildings built on 30×40 sites are such buildings violating the bylaws?

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Naveen 2022-01-20T13:26:09+00:00 1 Answer 5682 views Beginner 4

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    The no floors that one can build on a 30×40 site depends on the below factors:

    • Road width.
    • Height restriction.
    • If it’s Residential / Commercial.
    • Setbacks.

    As per BBMP plan sanction bylaws one can build or construct max Stilt+G+ Floors on a 30×40 site in Bangalore; the Stilt floor should be shown as parking.

    What is Akrama Sakrama?
    Akrama Sakrama is the draft prepared by Karnataka government to regularize the building deviations or  violations.

    The FAR for the 30×40 site in Bangalore is 1.75 which means one can only build G+2/Stilt+G+2 Floors as per Bylaws, but many structures have built G+4 Floors a 30×40, which violates the sanctioned by laws.

    These structures with deviations are considered illegal and can get penalized or demolished once Akrama Sakrama is implemented.

    Some of the common deviations seen on 30×40 Sites in Bangalore:

    • Adding more floors than permitted.
    • Lesser setbacks or no setbacks.
    • Encroachments on the drain.
    • Parking space used for housing.
    • Building commercial instead of residential.
    • Violation in the height of the building.
    • No provision for Rainwater harvesting.

    These are some of the deviations you might encounter on 30×40 sites/plots in Bangalore. Many buildings have built G+4 floors on a 30×40 site, violating the bylaws given by their authorities, such as BBMP, BDA, BMRDA, and Gram Panchayat.

    Such buildings are more seen on B Katha properties where they don’t get approval from government bodies as they are considered illegal layouts formed without proper land conversion, Change of land use, etc.

    So it’s upto you whether you want to Build your house following bylaws? or make deviations and wait for Akrama Sakrama to be implemented.

    It’s best to discuss these things with your hired Architect, who can explain and guide you during the house construction, ensuring that you don’t end up on the wrong side of the law.

    Hence, it’s recommended that you stick to bylays as much as possible, this will help you safeguard your building from any actions taken by the government.

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