What is the FAR FSI for a 30×40 Site/Plot in Bangalore?
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What is the FAR for a 30×40 plot/site in Bangalore? What would be the maximum BUA built up area that I can build or construct on a 30×40 site in Bangalore? How to calculate FAR FSI for a 30×40 site/plot? How many floors can I build or construct on a 30×40 Site? Can I build a G+4 Floors on a 30×40 site?
3 years
2022-01-20T09:32:28+00:00 2 Answers
Beginner 3
Answers ( 2 )
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Let us understand What is FAR(Floor Area Ratio)?
Total Built-up Area / Plot Area = FAR (Floor Area Ratio)
Below is the FAR calculation for a 30×40 Site in Bangalore?
30×40 (1200 sq ft) SITE AREA x 1.75 (FAR) : 2100 sq ft BUA (built up area).
Note: The FAR includes Staircase, Basic structure, Lobby area. FSI means Floor Space Index.
The FAR for a 30×40 site/plot in Bangalore is 1.75 times the site dimensions which mean 1200 sq ft x 1.75 = 2100 sq ft would be the achievable FAR for a 1200 sqft 30×40 site.
You might have come across many buildings on 30×40 sites built G+4 Floors. Such buildings will have FAR violations as with FAR 1.75; one can Build a maximum of G+3 Floors with the Ground floor shown as parking.
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If you have a 30×40 residential site with a road width of less than 30 feet, you can get a FAR of 1.75 per the drafted Mater plan 2015.
FAR means Floor Area Ratio.
FSI means Floor Space Index.
On a 30×40 site in Bangalore one can build a maximum of G+3 Floors as per by-laws, with the Ground floor shown entirely for parking. Several buildings have been built upto G+4 on a 30×40 site in Bangalore.
Such buildings or structures are more seen on B Katha sites, wherein these 30×40 sites might not get government plan approvals as such sites are considered unauthorized sites by the government.
These sites are formed without government approvals such as Change of land, DC conversion, lesser Road width, etc.